Kara + Jordan Engagement Photos

Meet the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Ornquist. Next week in fact we will be capturing the special moments of their sure to be amazing wedding day. These two have an amazing proposal story. I wont share it all with you here, so be sure to ask them about it next time you see them,

The short version is Jordan went and found a large rock and had “Kara will you marry me?” cared into it. Not written in a sharpie, but actually carved in stone, so they could have it as a keepsake. Assuming she said yes of course. The day came and they were going to go up to Zimmerman Park for an afternoon picnic. He snuck out to place the rock in the area were he was going to take her for the picnic.  As they arrived not more then 40 minutes later to the spot Jordan’s heart started pounding as the rock was not were he had just left it. They sat down to start the picnic and out of the corner of her eye Kara spots a rock in the distance with some writing on it. She went to look at it and the rest is history. And of course she said YES.

Thank you to random Billings hiker that found and moved the rock. You made the surprise more stressful but provided a story. I’m sure Jordan is just glad you didn’t throw it over the cliff.

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